Archive for July 2014


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pictures 1-3 // We have used this record player here more than we ever did in Jackson, MS. Call it Nash-fever, call it cliché, call it awesome - we're choosing the latter. The soundtrack to this post was this vinyl by Glenn Miller. Part of why we've been using it so much also has a lot to do with how many new vinyls we've purchased since being here. We discovered Grimey's within days of being here, and we're well aware that we're going to have to be very careful not to blow our entire grocery budget there. We did splurge on the new Jack White vinyl, Lazaretto, and have not been disappointed by it (and yes, it does have a hologram on Side 1).

Pictures 4-5 // Nothing cuter than a sleeping pup and her cute paws, amiright?

Pictures 6-8 // It's the last week of my summer vacation. I start training with Nashville Prep on Monday, and I am so absurdly excited. However, I realize that this is the week that I need to make sure I check off any remaining summer goals, which is why I've made a checklist for myself almost every day these last two weeks. This keeps me from burning through my entire Netflix watch list (not that I don't occasionally add that to my daily bucket list, of course). Also, I definitely just disclosed my love affair with these pens. They're flawless, and I don't say that lightly as I'm quite the elitist about office supplies (as any teacher would be).



I'm Sarah Scott. I'm a freelance photographer, word&literature-lover, wife, dog-mom, and educator. Follow me on instagram, as well, @sarahmartinscott. Find my photography portfolio at
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