A Love Letter from God:

Friday, March 1, 2013

"If you could soldier on, headstrong into the storm, I'll be there waiting on the other side for you. Don't look back - the road is long. The first days of the war are gone. Take back your former throne and turn the tide. 'Cause if you never leave home and never let go, you'll never make it to the great unknown. Keep your eyes open, my love. Tell me you're strong. Tell me you see. I need to hear it - can you promise me to keep your eyes open? Just past the circumstance - the first light, a second chance. No child could ever dance the way you do. Tear down the prison walls. Don't stop though the burden calls. Your chains will never fall until you do. Don't let the fear become the hate. Don't take the sadness to the grave. I know the fight is on the way, but the sides have been chosen. So, show me your fire. Show me your heart. You know I'll never let you fall apart, if you you keep your eyes open."

Lyrics by NeedtoBreathe

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