Last day of school!?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I cannot believe that today is my last day of school with my sweet students. It's certainly been a long and tiring year - full of IEP meetings, schedule changes, no-medication days, and moments of defeat - but I have learned so much about myself and the world of education through this year. I don't know if I'll be a teacher forever, or even if I will be after this next year is over, but I know that I'll leave a better leader. I'll leave knowing how to be empathetic even in moments of anger and exhaustion. I'll leave with more ambition to make education and the communities in which they exist healthier and happier, in whatever capacity I'm aiming to accomplish that in at that time. I'm sitting in an empty classroom today, because I didn't want to pull students from their rooms on their last day, but I definitely hope to give each of them a HUGE hug before they get on those buses.

Tipping my hat to many lessons learned and sending up countless zealous prayers for these babies and their futures.

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I'm Sarah Scott. I'm a freelance photographer, word&literature-lover, wife, dog-mom, and educator. Follow me on instagram, as well, @sarahmartinscott. Find my photography portfolio at
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