East Side Hootenanny

Monday, June 23, 2014

I know you all are probably beginning to wonder if we spend any time in our house, and the answer to that is that we LOVE our new home and love spending our mornings and early afternoons here. The weather here has just been way too nice to spend late afternoons and evenings inside, though. So, we have a dry erase board calendar hanging in our kitchen showing all of the local events so that we never miss a beat (metaphorically or literally).

Last Saturday, we went to the East Side Hootenanny, which is totally free, minus the money you will inevitably spend at one of the handful of irresistible food trucks. 

Also, I got a free massage at one of the tents that had me feeling like glorious, relaxed mush the rest of the evening.

You can read more about the event and lots of other Nashville events at my husband's blog.

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I'm Sarah Scott. I'm a freelance photographer, word&literature-lover, wife, dog-mom, and educator. Follow me on instagram, as well, @sarahmartinscott. Find my photography portfolio at sarahscott.zenfolio.com.
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