The biggest perk of Josh and I both being educators is that we have a lot of the same breaks - Christmas break, summer break, and spring break. This week was spring break, and because we were both a little too burnt out to actually go anywhere, we took advantage of the opportunity to just have a week to ourselves. We've been able to read, tire out our dog, cook fun meals, watch all those movies we've saved to our watchlist, and just enjoy being married.
Yesterday, we took our lunch out to the reservoir.
And today, we went to the adorable, nearby town of Clinton.
I couldn't bring myself to do anything with this picture. It's too gorgeous in raw form.
Below, you'll find our brooding model shots. :)
Anyone else on Spring Break or have any exciting weekend plans?
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Yesterday, we took our lunch out to the reservoir.
And today, we went to the adorable, nearby town of Clinton.
Below, you'll find our brooding model shots. :)
Anyone else on Spring Break or have any exciting weekend plans?